update, march 13th:
1. wedding plans are moving along. we've got a date (september 3) and a location in our hometown. now i'm working on planning all the details and keeping within our budget. we're planning a pork bbq-style event with lawn games and lots of good food. making and sending the save the dates are on the agenda for this month.
2. i'll be leaving my job this summer and moving in with DT in nyc. i'm planning a complete overhaul of my portfolio and making some beautiful hand-dyed business cards. i've barely begun the job search and i'm relying heavily on my wonderful friends to help me get my foot in the door of the big city.
3. DT is starting his dream job tomorrow! six weeks ago he got an email from a friend of his at an architecture firm in NYC and they offered him a job! in the past few weeks he's quit his job, found a new tenant for his apartment, got out of his lease, found a roommate and an apartment in nyc, moved out of his place in philly and moved into his new apartment in nyc. i helped him move his belongings up five flights of stairs yesterday and i'm sure feeling the burn today!
4. next weekend my friends are having an engagement party for DT and i. i've been worrying about what to wear. i decided that i'll pattern my own little strapless dress based on a j. crew dress. because i'm saving money by making my dress, i'll treat myself to a new pair of shoes.
5. along with my own wedding plans, i've agreed to make three bridesmaid dresses for a coworker. the first fittings are early next month and i haven't even cut them out. i've got to get cracking.
6. more weddings! my good friend alexis is getting married in three weeks and i'm looking forward to spending some time working on her wedding with her.
7. i started a diet almost two months ago and i'm happy to report that i've lost 6 pounds! my students have noticed and have been very sweet with their compliments. i don't feel much of a difference physically but i've made important changes in the way i eat and i'm looking forward to seeing changes come summertime. the loss has been slow and steady, just the way it's supposed to be.
that's the update from where i am!