Sunday, February 28, 2010

wish list

this quote bag just moved to the top of my wish list.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

new favorite thing to sew

i loved this build by wendy top when i saw it on her website, but i didn't love the price tag (origionally $178 but still too expensive when it went on sale for $88) so i patterned my own on a slow morning at work. i didn't make it button up the back like the original (who wants to lean back on buttons all day?) but i did copy the black-and-white gingham plaid fabric. i found a piece at jo-ann's a couple of weeks ago and it was fate that this project came along.

here i am wearing it at work. i want to wear it every day.

Monday, February 15, 2010

the UPDATED big list of things to do

  • recover the blue and white ikea chair (done!)
  • enter something in the pennsylvania farm show
  • make my own grocery bags
  • make a duvet cover for my green duvet
  • make a quilt for jackie dalley.
  • copy my favorite J.Crew tote bag.
  • make winter wool skirts from leftover thesis fabric (i made one but i'd like to make more)
  • make a quilt from the fabric I bought at The Workroom.
  • finish DT's penrose tile quilt (i have a plan)
  • recover my purple desk chair
  • paint my bedroom (on hold--i'm not sure if i want to anymore)
  • make a padded headboard for my bed
  • learn Shashiko embroidery
  • plan a project for the peacock fabric alexis brought me from senegal
  • copy this blouse by built by wendy
  • refashion a tulip-skirt dress bought at boscov's into a pencil skirt.
  • do something with the curtains in the front room (shorter? cafe length? a fabric with a heavier weight?)
  • refashion a gap blouse with weird sleeves.


like most of the east coast, my house is under almost 15 inches of snow and i was treated to two snow days last week. doesn't the snow almost make my trashcans look charming?

it may only be monday but i'm already looking forward to the weekend. i was hoping to visit nyc to see some friends but i forgot that i have to work on sunday so a relaxing weekend with the girls is a bust. (i'm planning another trip in march when the weather is a little more welcoming). however, the weekend can still be saved by crossing some sewing projects off my list. tonight i'll be updating my big list of things to do and adding some new projects.

tonight i'll also be starting a new to-do list: finally finishing the 6 books i'm currently reading. they are:

an american tragedy by theodore dreiser
lady chatterly's lover by d.h. lawrence
sophie's choice but william styron
sister carrie by theodore dreiser
last night in twisted river by john irving
a people's history of the united states by howard zinn

ever since i did my master's thesis (i graduated almost two years ago) i think i've only read 2 books cover to cover. i just can't seem to make the commitment to finish a book even if i'm interested in the story. so, inspired by my friend meredith, i'm going to try to finish one book a month (i don't think i can read them in a week as meredith does). i'll work backward from the most recently abandoned: last night in twisted river.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


isn't this the most romantic thing ever? two people go down to the courthouse and get married. then they take the subway home wearing the biggest grins. no fancy dress, no menu, no decorations or guest lists. just you and the person you love most in the world.

(i found jamie and her husband, rob, through her flickr site here.)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

wish list

i want large posters of the work of Stephane Massa-Bidal also known as retrofuturs. i am completely seduced by his vintage-styled graphic design. i am guessing his work will be my desktop background for quite awhile.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

no pain...

...just numbness. got four (of 6!) fillings done this morning. two hours in the dentist's chair. it's 12:30 and i'm hungry for lunch but i know if i eat before the numbness wears off, i'll chew off half my cheek along with my lunch.
