like most of the east coast, my house is under almost 15 inches of snow and i was treated to two snow days last week. doesn't the snow almost make my trashcans look charming?
it may only be monday but i'm already looking forward to the weekend. i was hoping to visit nyc to see some friends but i forgot that i have to work on sunday so a relaxing weekend with the girls is a bust. (i'm planning another trip in march when the weather is a little more welcoming). however, the weekend can still be saved by crossing some sewing projects off my list. tonight i'll be updating my big list of things to do and adding some new projects.
tonight i'll also be starting a new to-do list: finally finishing the 6 books i'm currently reading. they are:
an american tragedy by theodore dreiser
lady chatterly's lover by d.h. lawrence
sophie's choice but william styron
sister carrie by theodore dreiser
last night in twisted river by john irving
a people's history of the united states by howard zinn
ever since i did my master's thesis (i graduated almost two years ago) i think i've only read 2 books cover to cover. i just can't seem to make the commitment to finish a book even if i'm interested in the story. so, inspired by my friend meredith, i'm going to try to finish one book a month (i don't think i can read them in a week as meredith does). i'll work backward from the most recently abandoned: last night in twisted river.
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