Saturday, November 7, 2009


Today I got my second bad haircut in a row. To make things worse, it was even more expensive than my first bad haircut. I'm completely frustrated with my "transition" style. I don't know if I can wait for it to grow out. Maybe I should just chop it all off again.

The best haircut I've ever had was also the cheapest. Late last spring I stopped at a Hair Cuttery in a Walmart stripmall and walked out with the best-looking bangs of my life--for $15 dollars! Now they've been cut too short twice and I can only wait until they grow back.

Anyone have any suggestions for styling transition hair?


  1. You have been quite the busy blogger... I love seeing all the things you are doing. So inspiring.

    And, I'm sure you look great with your new haircut!

  2. Also, bobby-pins. I'm a fan of clipping hair up and tricking people into thinking you've done something with it.

  3. Bobby pins, hats, pretty hair clips. I am going through the same kind of ordeal! It sucks. Eventually I am going to look into extensions, but those can get quite pricey.
